Friday, March 23, 2007

Notable events

The flap about Baby T
First of all, thanks for the supporting words regarding my anxiety attack over T. I know I am probably overreacting. Honestly, he is doing great with his receptive language. We aren't getting new words flooding in but he does chatter a lot. Some new words. But it is mostly still baby chatter rather than words. His words are only used labeling things and that is a point of sensitivity for me. That was the only functional language JP had at the time of his diagnosis.

I can run through a long list of developmental milestones. T is meeting all of the major ones but I am not a good judge of the language ones. I don't have experience with what type of communication is normal for a 16 month old. As anxious as I am, I don't think it is time to have someone evaluate him. I think I am just being paranoid. To the casual observer he is communicating. When we ask if he wants a juice he goes to the refrigerator. When we ask if he wants a bath he runs to the stairs. I guess what I am obsessing about is when does he start asking us for the drink or to take a bath. I am looking for that initiation. I think it is too early to expect that. But that doesn't mean that I won't continue to over analyze his every move.

But thanks for your support. I will try not to become annoying with my pleas for reassurance. I just really needed to hear it this week.

Kachow Song Therapy
Now, for a kachow song update. Our drive therapy seems to have made an impact. In fact, last night as we headed out for Burger King (for dinner and some social interaction with unsuspecting neurotypicals) JP asked for his "car music". Today I am going to try and reintroduce it into his bedroom. He was very accepting of it being played in the van. However, I have a feeling that it is more acceptable since he is in a vehicle at the time. In fact, much of the time he calls the Van, Mack. (Mack is McQueen's semi that hauls him across the country) So perhaps he is more tolerant of the music in this context as they overlap in his mind. We'll see how it goes when we play it on the radio in the house again.

Lost Memories
Now for a trivial but monumental disappointment. My camera broke. I am not sure I can live without my camera. It is an extention of my right hand. I take pictures of everything! How can I have pictures of every milestone of JP's life for 5 years and 3 months and then stop. How can I have pictures of every moment of T's life for almost 17 months and then stop. How can I not be documenting every "skill" T shows so that later I can prove that he had it. Obsession, I know. But I am lost.

I don't see any other option but to replace it. It just feels trivial when there are so many other expenses that we need to cover. But I did get some cash for my birthday and I am always told to spend it on myself. I guess I will this time. We are having our taxes done this afternoon so I'll know what kind of refund that will provide.

I am also in the midst of preparing for a garage sale. First I must state that I hate garage sales. They are so much work and I don't like the dickering over prices. It is so bizarre to me that I can put a toy out to sell for a buck and someone will try to get me to take 50cents. Come on! It's a buck! I am not even sure why we put prices on the stuff to begin with. But we need the cash and we have LOTS of toys and clothes to liquidate!

That money was supposed to be a cushion for the next year. I feel guilty taking money away from therapies for a camera. Oh well. I'll just find a cheaper digital camera and keep on moving on.

A little brotherly interaction
As I type this the boys are watching a Wiggles video. T is in a trance. He loves the Wiggles. JP hums along but is paying with his cars. I am in my office where I can hear them but don't have a complete visual. Here is what just transpired...

JP: Mommy, T is a ghost.
Mom: Ha! Does he like being a ghost?
JP: (no answer)
T: Waaaaa!
Mom: JP, when T cries like that it means he doesn't like it. That was a cute idea but let's take the blanket off.
JP: (rip, just like a magician pulling the tablecloth off a table full of dishes)
T: Plop! WAAAA!

Poor little guy. Mommy is secretly pleased that JP is comfortable enough to play with T. That is sort of playing together, isn't it? T doesn't really seem bothered. In fact, he perked up as soon as the blanket was removed. When I left JP was sitting on the floor and T was climbing over him so he could see his movie.

Well I guess I better get back to my boys.


Club 166 said...

In regards to T.

Now that I realize that there is no iron door of development that closes at 3 years old, and I also realize that (IMO) most therapy is common sense and involves spending a lot of time with your kid, then => the best thing to do is relax and spend a lot of time with your child. If they are to develop a diagnosis, you'll know in time. You already know pretty much what to look for, and you won't have lost any time because you've already been doing therapy with them up to that point.

As to unsuspecting NT kids acting as an ad hoc social interaction group, I laughed at that. I use McDonalds' play area for this all the time. I have 3 different places that I go to.

Finally, having grown up helping with my parents' flea market stand, I totally understand the bickering thing. Most buyers expect this as part of the experience. However, if you have enough stuff that you can dedicate one whole table to $1 stuff, then you can put up a sign that says something like

(lowest price-non-negotiable)

WarriorMom said...

Go for it. Photos are priceless. Buy a camera that will last. Check out

It probably seems strange to get this kind of advice from someone who has yet to post any photos on her blog, but I feel very strongly about recording one's life with photos. I woke up at 4:30 AM thinking, I MUST respond to your post. Am I crazy, or what?

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.