Sunday, March 11, 2007

Happy Feet

JP was at his recreational therapy camp on Saturday. They were preparing to go swimming. He had finished dressing and was waiting for the others to get ready. Unfortunately he was waiting too close to the door! His toe got caught under the door when one of his peers came out of the locker room.

Here is what it looks like today.The nail is coming off but we haven't been able to urge it along much. We tried to just lounge around and be "couch potatoes" this weekend but he continuously wanted to be up moving.

I kept asking him if it hurt. His standard response was, "No, it's happy." He wouldn't even acknowledge the hurt when we would wiggle the nail! And I know it hurt because he looked like he might pass out!

I don't know how I'm going to dress his "happy feet" tomorrow for school! Fortunately it is supposed to be in the 60s and almost all of the snow has melted.

1 comment:

Em said...

OUCH! I'm glad his feet are happy nonetheless :)