Wednesday, March 28, 2007

A good night sleep?

After two days of a stomach virus I emerge to find my house is a mess. The sink is overrun with dishes. There is laundry piled up in the hallway. I'm not sure which piles are the clean piles and which are the dirty ones. The kitchen floor has unidentified goo on it. (not sure that has anything to do with my being incapacitated) But the boys are all healthy so it is all okay.

Yes, it has been a crazy couple of days here. Monday afternoon I realized that I didn't feel quite right. Monday night I knew that I wasn't right. Hubbie sent me to bed at 9:00 alone in our room. He took the baby monitor and headed to his basement office. He had to monitor a couple of jobs at work and figured he would monitor the baby as well. He has a single bed down there as it also serves as a guest room. It was a wonderful gesture. We parted ways that night with him saying to get a good night sleep and we would assess our situation after we knew how I felt the next morning.

7:00am Tuesday -
Dad pops his head in the bedroom. He asks how I feel. Since I was up every couple of hours during the night "taking care of business", I explain that he might have to cover the kid detail atleast for the morning. He responds, "Well, I didn't get to sleep until 6am."


I have to admit in that moment I was pissed. He knew I was sick. Why didn't he rest up. I'm mostly annoyed because when he was sick the week before he was able to hide away. He took a couple days off of work and slept undisturbed. Poor me. Where is my equal treatment? Life as Mom can be damned unfair!

All I did was groan at him. I knew it wasn't as though he stayed up on purpose. I knew it was the demons that he works for. Let me tell you that access to work from home is not all it is cracked up to be. They own you! An issue came up overnight (as it often does) and he spent his entire night watching the files run and fixing them when they crashed. (He is a computer programmer.) There are times I hate his job. Then there are the times that I realize that without his job we would be in big trouble.

I tried to drag myself out of bed. He told me to go back to sleep and that he would get JP on the school van and hang with T. I knew he had to be exhausted and I really did try to get up. But as I tried to climb out of bed I got a nasty charlie horse in my calf and had to wrestle away the cramp for a good 3 minutes. Then after it subsided and I stepped gingerly on my leg I realized that I was nauseous. So I climbed back in bed.

I woke up a little before noon. Dad was in my office off the living room logged into work. T was watching Boobah on TV. I got lunch ready for the boys and then JP arrived home. I actually felt better by this point and was no longer dashing to the restroom. Dad took JP to his class at the Y and I hung with T. It was a day full of TV and laziness. (Or as JP would say...being a couch potato)

By 9pm last night we were all dragging. Dad was exhausted. I was feeling better but also exhausted. We tag teamed the baths and got the kids to bed on time. BUT GET bedtime JP asked to listen to his Cars soundtrack instead of his Winnie the Pooh Storybook CD!!!

However when I checked on him at 10 (to turn out his night light and switch to his classical music) he was still wide awake. He was reading his Winnie the Pooh story book but still listening to the Cars soundtrack. (That meant that he had gotten up and started it again.) He did allow me to turn off the nightlight but he wanted to finish his CD. I wasn't about to say no so I snuck back in at 11 to switch CDs. He sleeps all night to classical music for white noise and I didn't want to risk some of the more intense tracks from the Cars CD waking him up at 3am.

So I guess during this crazy period we got to celebrate a happy moment...overcoming our issues with listening to our "favorite song" out of the context of its movie.

So, anyway, I went to sleep around 11 and got a good night sleep. It was wonderful. The boys and I got up at 7 this morning and have proceeded as though nothing was ever wrong. However, Dad just got up at noon. Poor guy. He had to do a little late night work again last night so he slept in. He's now headed to the office looking like a zombie.

I owe him for suffering in silence. Don't get me wrong, I am still frustrated that Mom never gets to be sick without guilt. Where are my two days holed up in my room alone with no concerns other than sleeping it off? But I can't really complain because truthfully Hubbie really got the raw end of the deal. Between work and family--he has an awful lot of people expecting him to do it all. Poor guy.


Club 166 said...

Glad to hear that you've gotten the music issues sorted out. Our Buddy Boy usually sleeps to one song on the CD player played over, and over, and .... You get the idea.

Hope you feel better soon. Let the laundry pile up. Relax. Put your feet up. Have some orange juice.

mjsuperfan said...

That's one thing about being a "stay-at-home mom"--where are our sick days?? On the other hand, as you say, it's got to be a lot of pressure being the sole breadwinner.

I hope you are back on your feet. And congratulations about the new flexibility regarding music. Who knew how important flexiblity could become!

Em said...

Everything falls apart when you get sick doesn't it? I've had a dreadful cold for over a week now (I'm off to the doctor tomorrow as I can't shake it by myself) and fortunately my mother has been able to come so I can catch up on a little sleep... because my husband is never available (too much work).