Tuesday, March 20, 2007

KACHOW! kachunk

I finally figured it out! I know what the Kachow song is! For two months this has been JP's response to "what is his favorite song" but I hadn't been able to figure out which song he meant. I knew it was from the movie Cars but our conversations around the topic always left me thoroughly confused. Honestly, I think he just likes all the songs but when asked...he always replies "The kachow song".

So anyway, we finally got it straightened out. Real Gone by Sheryl Crow. He really never expresses favorites so I am excited that he claims to have one. I decided to try to get a copy so he can listen to it in his room. He spends a lot of time in there listening to the CD stories of his favorite Disney movies. This would make a nice change. And best of all, Grandma was visiting and you know how Grandma's like to spend money! So we bought the soundtrack.

The next day, he and I went up to his room to play trains. I took the CD up with us. He was very excited by the CD case. I put the music on.....................and he ran screeching from the room with his hands over his ears. He wouldn't come in unless I turned the music off. And I must state for the record that it was not loud. Finally, I did get him to come in and turn it down himself. He finally agreed to let it play as background music but it was so faint that I could barely hear it. He was still anxious the entire time it was on.

If you ask him, it is still his favorite song and he still gets hyped up during the movie when it plays. He just does not like it being played out of the context of his movie. I guess I should have seen this coming. We do this sometimes where we compartmentalize people or things and only accept them in that original format. I always make an effort to shake that up once I identify it.


So the past few days I have been playing my new favorite CD in my stereo downstairs. Unfortunately, JP goes upstairs. Today I am going to get so brazen that I am going to play it in the van. We spend so much time driving from therapy to therapy that I might as well make the drive time therapy as well, right? However, this first time I think I will save it for the ride home. No sense getting him worked up before his therapy session.

So Kachow I figured it out! But kachunk, why does everything have to become work. Why can't a special treat just be a special treat?


Club 166 said...

The flip side of this is what we have. Buddy Boy fixates on one song for weeks to months at a time. He plays the same song over and over and over and ...

mjsuperfan said...

Don't they always throw you for a loop?

I'm trying to do with food what you are trying to do with music. Today I got the twins to eat Banquet chicken nuggets instead of Tyson chicken patties, and I felt like it was some kind of triumph.

Good Luck! I like the James Taylor song on that soundtrack, although it's a bit sad.

Lora said...

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