Wednesday, February 28, 2007

February Time Capsule

A Moment in Time...


What is your favorite...
COLOR: "I like red from the movie CARS." Any others favorite colors? "I like blue from the movie CARS too". Who is blue? "The King!"

BOOK : "Thunder and Lightning" Why that book? "Because I read it."

MOVIE: "Cars". Do you have any other favorites? "Buzz Lightyear. When the Buzz Lightyear movie is over--we'll eat." (He just come home from preschool. It is noon and lunch time. He did want to watch a movie but I told him he had to help me answer questions about JP on the computer. And then we would eat lunch. So much for that distraction!) He actually has really only been interested in CARS, Toy Story, and Toy Story 2 this month. However this month was the first time he asked to watch Toy Story 2. He'd watched it before but had limited interest--even though he was already a huge fan of the original Toy Story.

FOOD: "Cars fruit snacks." Any others? "Yeah, a cake." What kind of cake? "Strawberry cake." (we recently tried some strawberry twinkies). He doesn't seem interested in some of his favorites of the past. Doesn't eat Ramen noodles or Mac-n-cheese well. Also not big on his grilled cheese. Of course he still loves apples and oranges so I won't complain. But it is getting hard to find items of substance that he likes. He is still not a fan of meat.

DRINK: "Lemonade". What kind of lemonade? "Yellow and green Lemonade." Do you like pink lemonade. Uh huh! (I've never heard "uh huh" before!!!)

TOY: "The control Lightning McQueen." Any others? "The Sally control." Anything else? "The Mator Control." What about Buzz? "That's the one!" Do you like Buzz and Woody or Lightning McQueen the best? "I like Lightning McQueen the best." He actually spends most of his time with McQueen but has recently become attached to Buzz and Woody again. Other activites have been minimal. He has asked a few times to play "The Deciders". This is an educational video game on his computer. Trains are still in the periphery but we haven't had to have any train tracks out in the middle of our rooms!! That has been wonderful!



SONG: "The race kachow song from Lightning McQueen." (Damn, I still haven't figured that one out.) When does McQueen sing that song? "McQueen doesn't sing that song." Who does sing that song? "The radio." Who sings it on the radio? "One car." Do they sing that song in the movie? "Yeah." Where do they sing that song? During the race? "Yes." Or in radiator springs? "Yes."
My additions:
(big sigh) JP has been very assertive that he won't do things. We are working on keeping that feeling of independence but also realizing that when a teacher or parents says to do something--he must do it! Along with this battle has come some aggressive behaviors that I have never seen before. He is still a sweet gentle soul 90% of the time.

Biggest stims - chewing fingernails, rubbing his hair(after getting his new haircut). A lot of Buzz Lightyear scripting. Some McQueen talk as well. A lot of cars racing around race tracks and losing control around the third curve. A lot of turning left to turn right (spin out control on dirt track). A LOT OF BLOWN TIRES! A lot of "To Infinity and Beyond".

Bed time books:

Baby T

FOOD: Bread, fruit cups, bananas, cinnamon toast, pasta, hot dogs, chicken fingers, cheese. He loves the Hamburger Helper Cheesy Beef Taco single servings. He eats the whole thing which is fine with JP as he doesn't like it. Anything with a spoon or fork. IT IS ALL ABOUT THE MESS! Not sure much of the "sauces" get in the tummy!

DRINK: This really depends on his mood. Still prefers milk from the bottle but is doing better taking from a sippy cup. I am still giving him a bottle at nap and bedtime. He recently discovered orange juice!

MOVIES: Anything Baby Einstein.

TOYS: ( I use that word loosely)

Basically his favorite toys are anything that he shouldn't have. He is continuously getting the syrup out of the pantry and the mustard out of the refrigerator. (Why those I wonder?) He loves the plunger from the bathroom. (Gross!) Real phones are fascinating! The toy phones don't fool him. The broom. (This isn't so bad because he can help clean up after his messy meals!) My computer! He loves the mouse and the key board. (I've had to reboot quite a few times! ) Some other favorites are the toilet paper roll, my water glass, the TV remote controls, the blinds, the trash can, items plugged into the wall - specifically to the phone charger, the camera. Essentially anything he can get his hands on during the one second we stop hovering over him. And believe me he is FAST!

The truly adorable (and frustrating) thing is that he knows when he is doing something he shouldn't. If I so much as utter his name he takes off running with the particular item. And recently has taken to shaking his finger when you say no. I must add that this is not how I tell him "no" but rather him applying the "no silly monkey's jumping on the bed" song to his current predicament! (I have to admit the fact that he has generalized helps Mommy keep her Autism magnifying glass put away.)

He really isn't into books right now. (He can't sit still long enough.) We still read but he isn't expressing any favorites.

(against my better judgement I will include these...I'll try not to over analyze)

Daddy, BaBa (bottle), All done, ball, I did it!, Mama, Baby, straw, head, puppy/dog,
go (We say "ready, set" and he says "go"), Three (We say "one, two" and he says "three")
Bye Bye (with a finger wiggle wave), Burp game (pretends to burb and cover his mouth), peek a boo, noisy/sloppy kisses, blows noisy kisses, touches head during "monkey jumping on the bed", wags finger no during the "no jumping on the bed" part.

Will grab your nose if you say nose. Actually gets quite a grip on it too. Poor JP!
Will pounce on JP if we say "Dog Pile".
Will head to the stairs if you say it is time for a bath.
Will head to the refrigerator if you ask if he wants milk.
Will wave bye bye if you start to get out the coats.
Will bring food from the pantry to Mom. Usually goldfish or fruit snacks.
Will put toys in your hand if he needs help getting them to work.
Will run from you (with the naughty item) when you tell him no.

Reportedly heard but unverified: car, duck, cup, bath, nose, juice, fish, JP

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