Sunday, March 18, 2007

Chaos reigns

Thanks for all the birthday wishes! No, my absence was not because I got whisked away for a vacation in paradise. We've had travelers pass through and then my parents came to stay for the week. So needless to say, we have been living a crazy life here.

The truly sad part is that with a house full of 4 adults and only 2 children I still didn't find time to finally use the box of hair dye I bought over 3 weeks ago! Oh well, grey is the new blond, right?

Another thrill coming our way is that I get to spend the next week completing all kinds of paperwork. I have our Kindergarten packet to fill out for roundup and I also received the paperwork to complete for JP's re-verification process. Hard to believe that we have been in the special ed system for 3 years now!!! Hopefully the process goes smoothly.

Smoothly. Hmm. YeAh That haPPens.

Either way, I spent the last few days filling out a BASC-2 behavior assessment and the GARS-2 Gilliam Autism Rating Scale. I still have the Vineland II adaptive behavior form to fill out. The fun never ends! It feels like answering the same questions over and over again but oh well. It is what the school wants from us.

Anyway, I want to get back to my blog and to thinking about life but right now I am running in circles trying to live my life. Hopefully I'll be back soon!

I found this funny link summarizing life as I know it...


Maddy said...

I know that feeling - or part of it. We had the parent / teacher conference and they mention the up-coming Triennial IEP......couldn't believe all that time had 'gone.' His teacher looked at me, noticing that I was holding my breath I think, and she said something like 'don't worry he'll still be eligible of course!' Didn't know whether to laugh or cry?
Best wishes

Club 166 said...

Sometimes I think life just wouldn't be "normal" without the constant presence of chaos...

mjsuperfan said...

Good luck with all the paperwork! I kept wishing that somehow they could consolidate it so that you didn't answer the same question so many times. And that was for my older son who just gets speech. When we get to that point with the twins I think I'll lock myself in a room with all the forms and a pot of coffee!

Em said...

We are starting another round of evaluations here... it never ends!

KC's Blog said...

Good luck with all the paperwork, I have so much paperwork I am thinking of getting a filing cabinet. The desk that hold all of our paperwork is just begging for mercy, if it could talk it would say, "get these papers off me!" He he:)

Mom to Mr. Handsome said...

Oh, the Vineland. (Blah) It was the first questionaire that made me cry for days! I don't think I know myself that well, let alone how many words an hour Gabe speaks. It is so long too. Does the paperwork ever end?

Good luck with everything!


KAL said...

Hey, I have that same box of hair dye sitting on my bathroom sink! I've given up though. For now. I can't believe, from what I've been reading in blog-land, that all the tests and paperwork CONTINUE long past age two. That obviously, there is more waiting for us around every bend. Good luck with all that paperwork.

mumkeepingsane said...

Ugh, just lost my comment.

You'd think someone would consider that they're asking a lot of parents who already have their hands full raising special needs kids. Paperwork....ugh.