Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Conversation snippets

Conversations overhead amidst the chaos...

MOM: JP, we have to get ready!

JP: What do we did today? Do we have a mission?

MOM: We have OT2 but we don't have speech today. Ms. Tricia is sick so Mommy planned a special mission for us! We are going to Walmart!

JP: Oh, that is a wonderful idea! Good thinking, Mommy!

(OT2= he has attended Occupation Therapy at 3 different sites. For the past 4 months we have gone to the "OT2" location but he still requires that we call it OT2. I think they will always be known as OT1, OT2 and OT3. We sometimes have to clarify our Walmart as well. There are two nearby. Our usual store is "Same Walmart" and the other one is "Different Walmart".)

(JP wants to watch a movie)

MOM: If you help me color this picture, I might let you watch a movie.

JP: I can't. I want to catch up with my father. (What Buzz Lightyear says to the gang at the end of his Star Command movie. This is after he finds out the evil emperor (Zurg) is actually his father!)

... (couple hours later)

DAD: JP, time for your bath.

JP: I can't. I want to catch up with my mommy.


(JP eating breakfast)

MOM: Better hurry up and eat your toast. Fred will be here soon to pick you up in the Mack Truck. (This is utter nonsense...he doesn't know Fred and Mack drives Lightning McQueen)

JP: No, Mrs. Becky will be here soon to pick me up in the school van.

MOM: Oh, you are right. I get confused. You are such a smart cookie!

JP: No, I am a couch potato!

(Since this posting in early Febrary, we have been working on various idioms. I am logging them in the "English 101" section on the bottom of my blog. In some cases I have had to create a visual to help JP. I have posted those out into cyberspace for your consumption. All images are directly off the web so I should provide credit to Google images. The way I see it, if anyone else can use them then do so! Why should we all have to reinvent the wheel?)


KC's Blog said...

What a brilliant strategy! JP is such a smart kiddo, I love the conversations you guys have with JP :)
I am going to check out English 101 on your blog. You are an awesome mom:)
" No, I am a couch potato " too cute! I smiled as I read your post.

Em said...

Your little guy is so verbal and so very clever!

Anonymous said...

I love the conversations. Isn't it fun to hear what thoughts are in their heads. I love the couch potato line, but I would have to agree with mom...he is one smart cookie!

Mom without a manual said...

Thanks all! It is so much fun to peek inside his head (when he will let me!)

I was recently watching some home video from about a year ago. It was amazing to see how far JP's language has come in the past year.

We get so wrapped up in the day to day stuff that we don't realize the progress. That is why I decided to try and include snippets like these. This way I can revisit my blog and witness the progress!

He continues to make our life interesting--that is for sure!

Silvia said...

this is so funny - how cute :)

Club 166 said...

I love the way you've captured the whole conversation. I can hardly ever remember conversations verbatim. I've actually been thinking of getting a small portable voice recorder to record my conversations with my kids.

Maddy said...

Always just stops me in my tracks, but you're so much better at flowing with his tide.
Best wishes

Mom to Mr. Handsome said...

Very cool visuals! I love the use of the literal picture along with the true meaning! Thanks for providing this on your blog. I'm going to print them out to use with Gabe when he is ready.
