Saturday, March 31, 2007

A new therapy with great promise...

I had heard from another autism family about a gymnastics facility that is run by an OT who has worked with a lot of disabled kids. They have gymnastic classes for "regular" kids and they also have adaptive classes available. Although JP has responded very well to our sensory integration program with our private OT, he still has some strength and coordination issues. So I thought this might prove to be a good therapy for him. (Plus Grandma G offered to provide a scholarship!)

So Friday we went for an assessment before registering for classes. This was a trial run of sorts so that she could see what he needs working on and so that I could decide if it was worth the money before committing to an entire session.

I don't even know where to was unbelievable! JP was intrigued by the facility and he definitely got a little LOT hyper but the teacher was awesome with him! She knew just how much to push and how much to ease off. She got him crawling across the high beam, jumping on the spring board, rolling on the mats and even hanging from a bar. He did forward and backward somersaults and even a headstand. It was all amazing but the hanging from the bar was shocking because this kid will NOT do monkey bars. I have tried and tried. He absolutely will not support his weight while hanging--until yesterday. It was a thing of beauty. He even cried out, "Look at me, Mommy!" I felt the tears well up.

Then she brought out a mini bar that is about 6 inches off the floor. She asked him to squat by it and showed him how to kick his legs up. He followed her directions and had a grin on his face the entire time. Well, she just had in mind his holding on to the bar and kicking his feet up behind him. But JP decided that it would be fun to jump over the bar. So after doing it her way a couple of times he did it his way. She even encouraged him and told him what a great idea he had! He did it a few more times and then said, "Now you do it."

(mom's jaw hit the floor)

So she did. They took turns and then he joined her. She started counting "one, two, three, jump" and they jumped over side by side together. He was totally regulating his actions to her!!!! He was grinning from ear to ear and it was obvious that he felt responsible for creating such a wonderful game!

Okay, at this point my eyes were welling up. I was grinning from ear to ear and thinking that he looked like such a typical 5 year old. Then get this!!!! She said "one, two, three...jump" for like the 5th time and she jumped over the bar while he surprised us all and jumped backwards with a "gotcha" look on his face! It took my breath away. She looked at me at that instant with a huge grin. I think she even realized how amazing that was! Of course, one look at me and she almost cried as well.

So yes, we are starting gymnastics classes this week.

Here you go. I only have a few left.


mjsuperfan said...

That's amazing. Not only did he make up his own game, but he invited someone to play with him whom he'd just met.
I wonder if that'll become more common--gymnastics centers with adaptive classes? There certainly is a need for it. It sounds like a wonderful place.

Mamaroo said...

That is so awesome! I have wanted to find a adaptive gymnastic class for Roo for some time now, but have been unsuccessful. I will keep looking and asking around though because I know this would be something perfect for him.

Yes, I would need a lot of tissues in your shoes.

Maddy said...

Ahh - great! Therapy that's fun, that's how it should be. What a great start to my day, thank you for sharing this.
best wishes

Club 166 said...

We've been fortunate to also have an OT that runs a "kiddie gym" in which she has classes for all kinds of kids.

Buddy Boy wasn't wild about going at first, but he has warmed up to them.

Happy to hear that JP did so fantatically his first time out.

KAL said...

How terrific! This brought a huge smile to my face (and a tear or two). This is the first I've heard of adaptive gymnastics classes. I'm putting it on my list to research. So happy for you :)

Laura said...

That's amazing! Gotta look up the gymnastics classes. Hutton loves the trapeze at OT, after all.

Em said...

Wow this is so amazing and wonderful! We do a lot of PT and OT with Willow and it has been amazingly helpful for her... and not necessarily in the "obvious" ways (eg, she has gain self confidence from feeling more secure in her body...)