Friday, May 04, 2007

Scripting can be beneficial scripting can be our friend.

All in all, I can't complain about JP's diet. He has a variety of foods and they typically are of the healthy variety. Crazy as it sounds I have had to bribe him to eat cupcakes or cookies. In fact, he typically will refuse these treasured treats that are so popular in the 4' and under crowd. He loves fruit and will eat some vegetables (green beans and broccoli). Meat only passes through his lips in the lunch meat variety. Occasionally he will eat dark meat baked chicken. Rarely will he eat hamburger. These past few months I finally got him to eat Tyson Chicken nuggets. But he still won't eat nuggets at a restaurant. He won't eat sandwiches. He'll eat the lunch meat, the cheese, and maybe the bread but he must eat them all individually. After all, food that touches other food is now inedible!

Well, the past month he has been visiting the Playhouse Disney website again. He used to love this site but since he is in school every morning he doesn't really get to watch the shows anymore. In fact, most of these shows hold no interest for him. They keep his interest for the 30 second web clips that he could play repetitively for 30 minutes but a 30 minute streamlined version found on Playhouse Disney just isn't as worthwhile.

One show that he never really took to was Charlie and Lola. Personally I didn't really care for it. But since he has been revisiting these "friends" online he has taken a shine to Lola. She is a bit obnoxious if you ask me but I guess I am learning to love her as she has taken over my son's persona.

The other night at dinner I asked what he wanted to eat. He said, "I want peas, carrots and fish fingers". Curiously I followed along. I put raw carrots, peas and chicken fingers on his plate ( we didn't have fish fingers). He then said in a British accent, "I do not eat peas or carrots or fish fingers. " He speaks the truth. I had never seen him eat any of these things.

But I followed along and I said, "But JP those aren't carrots. They are orange twiglets from Jupiter or turbo charged swar racers."

He then picked it up and took a bite.

"Oh well, in that case...not bad!" (and he ate it!!!!) "But don't even think about giving me a pea!" said JP/Lola.

I replied, "but JP those are not peas those are green drops from Greenland or treasure chest glow balls".

"Oh well in that case. Quite tasty" (and he ate them while making a very yucky face). "But don't even think about giving me a fish finger!"

"But JP those are not fish fingers those are ocean nibbles from under the sea or yum yum flappers from Yucatan." said Charlie/Mom. "Hmm yummy" he said in his British accent and proceeded to eat his foods. All of his foods!!! All gone!

This was his desired meal for almost a week straight. Of course I had to tweak it a little bit and we ate broccoli trees from the hundred acre wood and apple crescent moons from the evening sky. As long as we threw it into a goofy visual AND use our British accents he went for it!

Here is a link to the live story. I should warn you that you might find it redundant after reading my blog!

Charlie and Lola's "I will not never ever eat that lunch" story book.

Today, I tried to make him eat a Keebler E.L.Fudge cookie. We fought. I tried my British accent. I won after about 30 minutes by holding his drink hostage. He gaged it down like it was poison. I guess somethings a British accent can't even overcome.


Mary said...

Wow! Bud has used the exact same script to choke down peas. He's done it as a monologue, though: "I do not eat peas. But those aren't peas - they are green drops from Greenland. Oh well - in that case." Too funny!

I'm actually quite a fan of Charlie and Lola, even aside from the veggie thing. Bud discovered them on the BBC website long before we knew they were on Playhouse Disney.

WarriorMom said...

Have you considered a gluten-free casein-free diet? (I don't mean to be pushy. But GFCF has been my focus for weeks now, and I keep reading that kids with autism and self-limiting diets might benefit from a GFCF diet.)

Maddy said...

Ha! Enough to fuse the brain cells - we've had that too, goes fine until the 'food' touches the tongue! Luckily the spit bowl is always handy!

mjsuperfan said...

It must take a lot of patience on your part, but you must be so glad to have him eating some new foods!

Jordan said...

This is great! I didn't know about the show or website, but at our house we have the book that corresponds with this text and my kids (and I!) adore it! It has worked wonders to broaden the horizons of my picky younger child - he will now eat orange twiglets every day if we want him to! ;-)

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