Monday, May 21, 2007


Oh my! It has been forever since I've been able to sit down at the computer without a child hovering underfoot or with more than a 10 minute window of opportunity.

Life is going well. I have lots of thoughts percolating but I think I am going to just run with an informal list of events.

1. Soccer Equipment = Ball, Jersey, and Coke

JP did pretty well this year. Last week was his best by far and it was a very interesting experience. Before the game, he asked for a Coke. (I really don't like him drinking pop but he REALLY gets a kick out of it. Can you say REINFORCER!) Without giving it much thought I said, "If you score two goals at soccer than you can have a Coke."

I should explain that it pretty much works out that each child scores two goals at every game because the "game" part of soccer is where each child takes turns dribbling down the field to the goal. JP does awesome with the first half hour of practice where they do drills. He actually has pretty good motor skills. However, when it comes to the half hour game he can't tolerate being in the midst of all the chaos. (Imagine two teams of 9 little people who each have a buddy as well as two coaches . Now mix in an occasional parent on the field to "motivate" their child)

Yeah, he wants no part of that. Typically when it is his turn to drive down the field he will freeze up and refuse. His buddy will kick the ball ahead of the group and he may/may not scamper ahead and finish the task. Most of the time he is tripping over his feet to get away from the crowd.

Last week, when it was his turn he put up a little fuss. Then his coach reminded him of his "Coke" agreement and he marched right up to the ball. He gave it a swift kick, kick...and a score! I swear it was like 3 dribbles and a score! It was amazing! Apparently a little distraction took his mind off of the mass of people watching and cheering him. Of course after his second goal he was done playing and proceeded to go search through my purse and T's stroller looking for his "Coke". He was very proud drinking his Coke after the game!

2. Soccer = What it is all about

Yesterday was his last game for the season. It was against the team we played on our first season in the league. We liked the team but due to a bit of reorganization last year they moved us over to a fellow Autism Mom's team. She was the coach and probably pulled some strings. I was happy to move to this new team but also sad to leave the old.

I really didn't get to know them too well but they were all very kind about our "sensory" issues. I kind of felt out of place as almost every other child on the team had Down Syndrome. Their difficulties were much different than JPs. I think a few of the the parents were quite fascinated how this boy who looked so normal and ran circles around the other kids during drills could so completely shut down during the game portion.

One of the biggest obstacles for us on this team was that they did a "celebration tunnel" at the end of every game. The parents all formed the tunnel and all the kids came running through it screaming with excitement. Not JP. We usually cowered off to the side. I did get him to go through a mini-tunnel that consisted of 2 (Mom and Dad). Finally the last week of that first season the coach yelled out to JP and asked him to go through a silent tunnel. All 30+ people were stone silent while I walked my quivering son through the tunnel. He was terrified but thrilled at the same time! That was one of the neatest experiences of my life.

Yesterday, this team made that same tunnel and called out for JP to take his walk through it. The coach came over and took his hand and walked him through it along with JP's Buddy. I stood on the side watching it all unfold thinking what a wonderful gesture it was but doubting that JP would do it. I started walking out on the field to coerce him through it. By God if they were going to make such an effort we had to give it our all! Then I saw JP reluctantly take his old coach's hand. I watched in awe as he walked down the silent tunnel with a huge smile! I watched it through my blurry eyes.

3. The end of a wonderful school year

Friday is our last day of school. I am going to be so sad to have it end. I absolutely love JP's current teachers and this classroom set up is exactly what he needs. I am racking my brain trying to come up with a suitable thank you for his teachers. Nothing will be adequate.

4. The start of a good thing?

JP's new school team is supposed to be visiting his classroom this week to get a peak at him in action. I am eager to hear how it goes. His current teacher emailed me to follow up on Kindergarten Roundup. She wondered how he thought it went and if I had an insights on how it went. My favorite quote was, " I enjoyed his company on Friday and thought about him a lot this weekend. Hopefully it was a positive start for him." I am really excited to see how this plays out. She seems really interested in working with JP and I feel like we have a good relationship going. The speech path has also followed up with me. I feel like they are really gearing up for us to be there next year and taking our issues seriously.

5. Garage Sale - Not worth it.

Not much else to say. It wasn't very productive. But oh well. We gave it a try. All I can say is that Goodwill made out pretty well.


Club 166 said...

My allergies must be acting up. My eyes were getting teary reading about JP doing the "walk" thru the tunnel.

Em said...

I'm so glad you have such wonderful support... and I'm heartened too... maybe it is possible for Willow too?