Wednesday, May 02, 2007

A hero party

Last night JP was resistant about putting on his pajamas. He wanted his Superman PJs yet again and I told him they were dirty. We searched through my pile of clean clothes to prove that they weren't clean. I tried to offer him his Incredibles PJs but he wasn't interested.

Then brother came out of the bath wearing his Incredibles pajamas. JP decided that perhaps he could wear his too. So for the remaining hour of play and cuddle time we hung out with Dash and Jack Jack. (If you are not familiar with the Incredibles: the children are Violet, Dash and Jack Jack is the baby).

JP does tend to have an identity crisis. Sometimes he is Mr. Incredible and other times he identifies with Dash (the son).

Here is Dash. Don't you see the resemblance?

Here he is as Bob Parr in his corporate insurance man attire. He likes to close his shirt and introduce himself as Bob. Then he rips it open and claims to be Mr. Incredible.
(He also does a mean Superman/Clark Kent impersonation!)

So anyway the focus of our discussion was how cool it was to wear the same pajamas as T and both pretend to be superheroes. I thought this was a pretty innocent conversation. I suppose in his mind it stayed innocent but my dirty mind just couldn't handle it...

JP: "You will take your shirt off and become Elastigirl. Then Daddy will take off his shirt and become Mr. Incredible. Then you will have a hero party."

Daddy thought it sounded like a good idea!

**Elastigirl was Mrs. Incredible's alter ego. She is stretchy and bendy like elastic. And the hero party comes from Christopher Robin throwing a hero party for Pooh when he saves Piglet. However, that isn't the kind of hero party Dad was hoping for...

1 comment:

Laura said...

"That isn't the kind of hero party Dad was hoping for" LOL! Adorable pictures! We haven't seen The Incredibles yet - can you believe it? Have to add it to the enormous DVD collection eventually...