Friday, January 19, 2007

Taking stock

I really have to say that we had a great week! Fortunately the Christmas hiatus is over and JP was able to start back in most of his services. (Many of our services are through local universities so we had to wait for our student population to return.)

One new item on our social calendar is a class at our local YMCA. We did a few classes a couple years ago when he was just diagnosed. The local school district includes it in their "services" where they shadow the child through a particular Y class. Theoretically it is "one on one" as they help the child navigate the activities and social obstacles. However, once we entered the school based preschool it just wasn't an option. The school wouldn't provide the supports and most of the Y classes were at the same times as his preschool.

Well, I recently ran into the Y's Early childhood coordinator and we were talking and she swore that she could handle JP if he came to a class. So I decided to give it a try. I was very nervous. In this class they play in the Gym for 45 minutes and then change clothes and swim for 45 minutes. JP does not do showers and a shower is mandatory. I talked to him about it and set the goal that he just get his toes in the shower. T and I hung out to help him with the transition and although very nervous--he did it!!!

Ultimately, he had a blast. He spent a lot of the gym time playing chase with a littler guy. Of course it wasn't language based so he didn't feel threatened. Nevertheless, it was encouraging because this is the first time I have seen him take turns with the chasing. Until now, he always ran after the others. Unfortunately, he didn't do so well keeping with the group during the songs and art time but they dealt with him okay and kept him somewhat involved. I am excited to see how it goes. It is a fairly small class so it shouldn't be too overwhelming for him. I really hope it will be a good social experience!

JP also returned to his speech preschool group that meets one afternoon a week. They added a couple of peer models this semester and that looks promising. I don't really know how to summarize this weeks session other than he did really well. He participated and even ad libed a few lines while they did a play session with baby dolls. It was cute because he decided that the phone was ringing while they were giving the baby a bath. He threw his therapist for a loop on that one. She was expecting to talk about shampoo and towels . (Of course, he speaks from experience! It never ceases to amaze me how the phone always rings when you have kids in the bath!)

Even midst JPs highlights I have to say that one of my favorite events this week was one on one time with my little T! We attended our first Mommy and me class together. There is a class for 1-3 year olds that we are going to while JP is at preschool. Unfortunately most of T's time is spent watching JP play on cool swings at OT or play with his therapists at speech. I spend much of this time trying to entertain T and ultimately hold him back from the play area. The poor little guy just doesn't get to participate in the cool activities!

Sadly, it took awhile before he accepted that I wasn't pulling him back and that he was allowed to run free! Once he realized that this was his special time he had a blast! We sang silly songs and ate a snack. We climbed over mats and through tunnels. He played (and unfortunately tried to eat) at the rice table. He had a great time! I had a great time!

This week made me realize that I really do have two beautiful boys both inside and out!

JP's diagnosis was devastating but it made me stop and take a look at my life. In some aspects it slowed life down. Life is no longer about acquiring or keeping up with the neighbors. Life is about our family. Life is about happiness and fulfillment. Fulfillment comes from loving and being loved. Yes, our life is crazy full of therapies and appointments but I am not sure I would have it any other way. Without the Autism, I fear that I wouldn't see my life or my precious children for the gift they truly are!

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