Thursday, February 15, 2007

Sticking my head in the sand

I am annoyed with the world right now.

I am going to combine that with the fact that we are reorganizing our house so my computer will be down for a few days.

Hopefully when I return to the cyber world my attitude will have cooled off. I will try to find something optimistic in this world to share.

Wish me luck.


mjsuperfan said...

Maybe it's the time of year, because I've been in a cranky mood myself the last few days.

Hope you feel better soon, but you certainly have a right to your feelings, whatever they may be.

WarriorMom said...

Come back soon. I hope you feel better soon, too.

Didn't you have a post about a friend that you wanted to help?

Em said...

Hope you are feeling a little better soon...

Mom without a manual said...

Thanks for your kind words.

I can't believe how much I missed my computer while we relocated my office! Perhaps I have an addiction to cyberspace! I really felt out of sorts! I even snuck on a couple of times from our other computer just for a quick fix!! Sad, isn't it?

Yes, warriormom I did have a post about a friend. I deleted it off my blog because I felt that I might have been a little too specific about them. I didn't intend to air their dirty laundry. I just wanted to get some advice from my cyber friends. But it wouldn't take too much for the locals to guess who I am talking about. So I deleted it.

But yes, this family still has woes. Mom keeps calling me to talk. And I really do want to help but I really am truly just spinning my wheels. She needs someone to hold her hand and I don't have the energy (or the diploma) to provide the help they truly need.

Actually I do think that the school is trying to help them. This week I learned a few instances where the school has made suggestions but she isn't following through on what they say. I have tried to stress that she needs to do these things. In fact, I got pretty blunt about it this weekend. But what can I say? I could go on for hours.

Unfortunately, I am losing sleep over her family issues. And as much as I feel that it would be wrong to turn my back on her I am going to have to draw a line. She and I can talk but if she doesn't follow through on anything than I am wasting my time. And I really can't afford to waste my efforts. I have two precious souls that I am directly responsible for. I can't let them down and I need my energy for them.

I just wish our state had better services. There just isn't anyone to hook her up with in a case worker capacity. And to be completely honest, I am terrified to be the one to hook her up with someone like social services. She is NOT (I repeat NOT) directly harming her kids. I don't want some power-to-be to decide that the kids are better off somewhere else. She is a loving mom--she just needs someone to guide her and keep her on track. She is in over her head--but then aren't we all!!!!

WarriorMom said...

I understand how you feel. It goes to show how generous and compassionate you are, that you want to help this family. But you are right about having to draw a line. I hope that the mom starts doing what she needs to do.