Monday, February 19, 2007

Something optimistic

The sun came up this morning.
It is a whopping 40 degrees outside.
It is not snowing.
It is not icy.
I have the best husband in the world. He is my soul mate.
I have two amazing boys.
My boys are beautiful (oops I should say handsome).
My boys are happy.
My boys are growing every day.
I have a beautiful home.
I am able to be home with my boys (and oversee JP's various therapies).
I don't "have" to work. (thanks to society's plentiful opportunities to acquire debt)
My husband agrees that I shouldn't work. (This is huge because he freaks about our debt)
JP's therapies are making a difference in his life!
JP talks.
JP asks other kids to play. (Doesn't often listen to their reply--but still this is BIG)
JP likes school, speech therapy, occupational therapy, speech group, Kristine (home therapy worker), Saturday morning camp, playdates, swimming lessons and his YMCA class. (This makes it easier to deal with the fact that he doesn't like soccer.)
I am healthy (height and weight challenged but healthy).
I am not a bored housewife but rather challenged every day by my boys.
Autism has brought many families into my life that I would have never met otherwise.
I have more friends now than I have ever had in my lifetime.

Sometimes it helps to list the good things.

Unfortunately, I spend most of my time looking at lists of things we "can't do" yet and it does taint my view on life.

The reality is that every skill we have is a blessing and every moment we have together is a gift.

It is all about your perspective!


mjsuperfan said...

That's a great list.

I also find that I flip-flop back and forth between seeing the positive and then being overwhelmed by what isn't happening yet.

I'm starting to see that my pessimistic slumps always pass, and trying to just let myself be grumpy for a while, wallow in it, and then get back to hoping for the best.

It's good that JP likes so many of his activities. I took my older son to "preschool speech" today, and was so relieved when he liked it!

Maddy said...

I couldn't agree most - I love lists - but then I need my visual cues!