Friday, December 01, 2006

Be careful what you wish for...

You know how some of our ASD kids can be alone for hours and not care. JP used to be like this. I am not sure when it changed. I know he hasn’t been interested in his computer time lately. He doesn’t try to play his V.Smile for long stretches of time either. I just figured it was because he had mastered every game and was bored with them. But when did this change? How did it happen?

I think a huge part has been his brother’s entrance into our lives. When T came home, there were times that we had to put JP in front of videos or send him to go play trains. He was fine if he was alone. In fact, he preferred it over the wailing of his brother. However, after about a month, that changed. I remember Dad and I discussing that it felt like JP was a little jealous of the time T demanded. Although it raised concerns that we needed more special (and not just work) time with JP, it made me very excited! It meant that he liked our companionship! It meant that he could be a social being!!!!!

Well, I just realized the other day that JP is never alone anymore. He is so cute about asking us to play with him and I just figured it was a carryover from school. (These play skills are a focus at preschool) But now he actually will not go downstairs by himself. He will not play in his room by himself. This is good, right? Well…

Yesterday, I had put T down for his nap. However, after about 20 minutes he started coughing. And I am still freaked about his episode of a few weeks ago so I went in to settle him back down. However, in order to do so, I had to leave JP’s side. We had been playing trains in his bedroom. So I left him with complete instructions. “Stay here while Mommy puts T back to sleep. I will come back and play trains. Can you wait here for Mommy?” I believe he understood because he said, “Yes”. So I headed to T’s room.

T and I were rocking and fortunately it appeared that he was going to go back to sleep for me. He had his head on my shoulder and his breathing was getting heavy. Then I heard a noise coming down the hall. I knew that I had 2 options: go with it or quickly put T in the crib and likely wake him up. So I went with it.

As JP came into the room I gave him the “Shh” finger. We have worked on this guesture but it rarely works. He smiled and sat down on the floor and began playing with the toys in T’s room. Of course, he picked the loudest car. It has little balls that pop around when you drive it. T immediately popped up and within seconds was on the floor walking over to his big brother.

Now get this, JP gave T the “Shh” finger. Then he looked at me and said, “I don’t think T sleep.”

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