Monday, December 18, 2006

Remember what goes in...will come out!

Watch what you say around your children. This is something "normal" parents learn early on. Some of us young Autism families get complacent. When our children are so young and non verbal we tend to forget that they can be still listening and absorbing. Then they get verbal skills and we face a new challenge. It becomes even more critical that we guard what information they take in. Because what goes in often gets stuck circling around and around in their brain and in our case becomes a mantra that we hear over and over again!

Well, the other day we received an email from an Aunt. It was titled, "Kiddie Poo Rap" and she said it was cute. So I loaded it up. Here is the problem. JP loves music and came scrambling into the room when he heard it. For your reference here is the site.

For those who aren't up to listening, there are three babies rapping that they made a poop and telling their mommy to change them. It is catchy and it is cute. However, my autistic child who stims on songs is now singing the song. I should have known better!

Here is the problem. It took forever to potty train JP because of his communication issues. Even today if he so much as says potty, pee, or poop he gets wisked away to the bathroom. Now imagine his confusion when he gets sent to the bathroom everytime someone hears him singing his song.

The other night, I was sitting the kitchen addressing Christmas cards and Dad was hanging with the boys in the living room. I hear Dad saying, "Well, get to the bathroom then. If you have to poop you better get going". JP wasn't understanding Dad's sense of urgency and I felt the confusion level escalating in the room. So I humbly went in and explained to Dad that JP was singing a song and I had to admit that it was my fault it is now on his concert list.

So on one hand I rejoice that we are getting closer to "normal" with his appreciation of potty humor. Just like a typical child, he thought these babies singing about poop was hilarious but in his situation it makes the whole communication issue of when he needs to use the potty pretty darn difficult!

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