Sunday, November 05, 2006

Another plagarism case in the books

Last night while I was experiencing Mommy alone time (shopping at Walmart) the boys were all hanging out. JP wanted to go downstairs where all of his train track resides. This has been an obsession for over a month now and frankly I am tired of tracks EVERYWHERE! I finally got it all put away a few days ago and hoped that he would forget about them for awhile. It worked until last night.

Well, he had it all strung out and specifically sought out Dad and T who were upstairs. He has been awesome at asking us "to come play with him." So Dad and T dutifully followed to the play room. After mere minutes, T was dismantling the track to chew on. (T actually seems to enjoy doing this just to get JP riled up) Usually, JP just says, "No T No!" I've been actually orchestrating this trying to work on developing the words to express that he is playing with the said item and making suggestions that he could give T one of the items of interest to appease him. (Imagine that -- sharing!!)

Well, last night we saw a new twist. JP yelled quite passionately, "No! No! Look what you did! Make that baby go away! He should not be here!

Dad was quite impressed and thrilled with the new use of language until later when they listened to our recent library acquisition...The Cat in the Hat on CD. JP has been listening to it nonstop and apparantly has the expression and voice quality down for the passionate cries of the fish...

But our fish said, "No! No!
Make that cat go away!
Tell that Cat in the Hat
You do NOT want to play.
He should not be here.
He should not be about.
He should not be here
When your mother is out!"

It is wonderful to see him apply it appropriately even if it was a bit overly dramatic for the situation. Always good to see new phrases get filed away in his repertoire.

1 comment:

superstar said...

life just good