Saturday, September 23, 2006

I love it...I hate it

My current project is getting JP over his fear of those inflatable bouncers. (He calls them castles.) He has seen castles at camp, at OT, at parties, and at a carnival. He loves and hates them. He giggles and loves to watch the other children gleefully hopping around. But you would think we were torturing him to even get him to touch the outside of the thing. He even got so nervous that he vomited when they were inflating one at camp this summer!

Several weeks ago, we ran into our neighbors at a carnival and they seemed intrigued by JPs anxieties (obvious due to his hands clamped over his ears). I explained that we weren't there to ride the rides but to take pictures to help us talk about the various activities. I was going to make a social story for JP and that we would be reviewing that story (over and over again) so that the next carnival JP goes to won't be so overwhelming. Once he knew what to expect at a carnival we might be able to get him to consider riding some rides. (I can dream, right?)

Anyway, I explained it. I figured they were just being polite. Much of our conversation took place right next to the "castle" and the ferris wheel. Their 3 and 4 year old grandchildren were waving to them every time the ferris wheel went around and around. My 4 year old was clutched to my leg mesmerized by the castle but paralyzed with fear.

This week that neighbor brought over a small inflatable castle. Her daughter had received a bigger one as a gift. They thought it might have a hole but it could be patched and it was mine if I wanted it!!!!

Did I ever!

1 comment:

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