Thursday, October 05, 2006

The price of independence

Several months ago I created a computerized social story for JP using his favorite software, "My Bookshelf". I was able to load pictures of him completing step by step his morning process. The software is awesome because you can pair words with the pictures and then when he clicks from page to page it will read the story to him. For awhile I was making story after story because it was all he wanted to do. We made pretty good strides during that time too! I wish he could get fixated on it again!

It was the most amazing thing. Previously, he would get so distracted while dressing that we (both he and I) almost always got frustrated to the point of meltdowns. After his social story, he was practically dressing himself! It was cute too because he would recite the story (word by word) as he did each step. He even repeated the explanation that when "it was warm he wore shorts and when it was cold he wore long pants". This continued throughout the summer and the 100 degree heat even when long pants were a thing of the past!

So I guess I have gotten complacent and perhaps a little spoiled. I hand him his clothes and direct him to the bathroom. I then get his little brother out of the crib and proceed to get him ready for the day. After I get T loaded into the highchair I follow up with JP who is usually partially dressed. I am able to redirect him to finish dressing and get him to the kitchen to eat breakfast.

Yesterday JP was still in the bathroom so I called to him to come eat breakfast. A quick scan of the bathroom didn't show any left over clothing and he looked put together. I do remember having the conscious thought that he was doing so well getting himself ready.

Breakfast came and went. The school van came and they went. Our morning passed. Finally it was time for him to get home from school. I went out to the van to greet him and to my dismay saw what I neglected to that morning. His jeans were on backwards.

Now if they were sweats or windpants no one would know but his jean pockets were a little conspicuous glaring at me from the front of his little body! Oops!

Perhaps I need to slow down a little bit and do some inspections!

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